An Espoo, Finland based startup Linked By Music launches a Beta version of a social media that combines social features together with blogging services and a market place. The service is designed by musicians for the needs of musicians. The Beta version is being launched on the 30th of November at Slush Music, where Linked By Music is exhibiting the Beta version.


“Making music is social, but so far there hasn’t been a proper service made by musicians themselves. With Linked By Music you can find band mates, teachers and musical coaches in an easy and convenient way. Our platform increases the chances that the right people find each other in order to make music together”, says the founder of the company, Vesa Robertsson.

The beta version is available at Linked By Music is aiming to have 10 000 users by the end of this year.

“At the moment making music and finding good band members is hard as the fragmented offering works mostly through the contacts that you already have. We want to connect musicians, pros and those who play mostly for themselves. We want to enrich people’s lives by helping them make music together. ”, Robertsson continues.

Linked By Music
Linked By Music is a social platform for musicians and people who love to make music. It has been built by musicians for the needs of musicians. Linked By Music is one of the top Finnish music startups according to Music Finland:

More information and interviews
Pauliina Alanen
Comms Lead
Linked By Music